by Joe Kirkpatrick
God made each of us different - each of us unique in our own way. That is one thing I think most of you will agree with.
When I was five or six years old, I remember asking my mother "mama, why did God make so many different kinds of churches?" She laughed and replied, "because different people just think differently from each other."
Through the years, I still didn't really understand it. Why all these people who were supposed to be Christians were always arguing, debating, and sometimes even fighting over the beliefs of their particular denomination? Later in life, a rather simple explanation came to me concerning this rather complex problem.
I decided picking a denomination is no different than picking a car. Just like denominations, each car dealer will tell you why their cars are so much better than the other brands. Despite all of the different makes and models of cars, the one important thing you have to remember: no matter how luxurious it is, how sporty it is, or how loud it's sound system is, all cars have one primary purpose - to get you from point A to point B.
Looking at some of the doctrines and beliefs of different denominations, I