The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.








by Joe Kirkpatrick

Well, everyone else has written about it, so I might as well throw in my two cents. In theory, ObamaCare is good: It provides all people access to health care, not just the 47% who already "draw" a check, but also many decent hard working American's who were previously uninsurable due to a preexisting condition. That's the theory, but unfortunately, in reality, the unprepared roll out of the program has become the single biggest government failure I can remember in my lifetime.

The "Rollout" of ObamaCare is a lot like the release of a new movie. There is all kinds of hype and publicity before the release, but if it does bad at the box office the first weekend, the public loses interest, and it is pretty much dead in the water. The initial failure of ObamaCare can easily be traced back to its creator, Barrack Obama, the most inexperienced President our country has ever elected. Unfortunately, he has surrounded himself with many other "Dreamers" like himself, resulting not only in the failure of ObamaCare, but also a devastating budget deficit as well.

What is the reason healthcare is so high in our country? Liability. In Thailand for instance, their health care is very good, but the cost is very low. Why?  Malpractice lawsuit awards are capped at $5000. Three years ago, in the whole country of Thailand, which has a population of 80 million, less than 20,000 medical malpractice lawsuits were filed in the whole year. In comparison, in the United States, the law office of James Sokolove, has over 20,000 medical malpractice lawsuits open at any given time, and that is just one law firm. Pick any American city, look in the Yellow Pages of their phone book, and you will find 2-3 times more listings for attorneys than doctors, with most of the attorneys advertising for malpractice cases. If we are really to have affordable health care, it needs to be set up like this: Keep the private insurance and hospitals intact for those who want it, but put reasonable caps on malpractice insurance, and limit judgments to actual damages. For those who cannot afford private insurance, set up government owned hospitals and clinics, similar to what the VA already has. Malpractice caps in the government system would be set at very low rates. The costs of the billing system, which in itself is a huge expense in the private sector, could be greatly reduced since the doctors, hospitals, and clinics would all be under the same ownership. Another bonus would be further reduced costs in the private healthcare sector since indigent and uninsured care would all be transferred into the government healthcare system.


Joe Kirkpatrick

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