by Ashley Murphy
It's that time of year again. Time for family. Time for lights. Time for presents. But most of all, a time for giving thanks. Praising the life that was given to you and rejoicing the life that was born to save your own. Christmas is my favorite time of year and has been ever since I can remember.
At the time this article was being written, December was still a while away and yet, the Christmas festivities were well underway. I'm sure half the country was up before the crack of dawn, or even up all night, to brave the unbelievable madness that was Black Friday.
I can't even stand the thought of mile long lines, 4 hour waiting periods and a mass of people that make me want to suffocate. That "tradition" just isn't for me. But I know several people who enjoy such shopping madness and enduring the chaos to save some money and knock out some gifts on the list by saving a little bit of money.
The only good thing about Black Friday… The month of December is moving closer and it's almost time for my festivities to begin. While many people tend to put up their decorations before Thanksgiving, I like to at least let the Christmas month come to light before picking out a tree and putting up the decorations.
Live Christmas trees are my favorite and I couldn't have it any other way. The smell fills the room and stays there. Every time you leave and walk back in, you get that same fresh smell as if it had just been placed there. It's one of my favorite things about decorating.
However, this year, I have been told I can't put up my own tree, adorned with my own decorations and let the smell drift through my very own house. Well, ok, it's not really my house, I just stay there to take care of my daughter. Ok, she's not really my daughter, and she's not even human. She belongs to a great friend of mine, but I love her as my own! She's furry, has four legs and just passed 7 months old. To top it all off, at 7 months, she has reached 80 pounds and her daddy believes she could easily topple a Christmas tree if one of us turns our back.