by June Griffin
The birthday is one of reflection. Perhaps, as a Christian, you renewed your Covenant with the Lord (see II Chron. 7:14). Perhaps you reflected and praised God "For Birth and Education in a Christian Land (see Isaac Watts' Divine & Moral Songs for Children). Perhaps you reviewed your service in the Culture War (see the World Parliament of Religions and their goal to destroy our nation's sovereignty). Maybe you considered your time praying for the nation and thanking the Creator for making you and giving you life in the first place (see the history of George Washington). And where you will spend eternity, seeing Americans have a double responsibility in their personal and national salvation.
These are awesome considerations for persons now living under the most cruel and stupid piece of non-Constitutional government in our history. Consider some of the popular issues: should two people of the same sex get "married;" is it legal to murder your unborn children; do animals have a soul; (one chicken farmer whose chickens were poisoned worried that they would never realize their quality of life)?, dead-beat dads are deprived of their driver's licenses (how can he go to work to pay his child custody, Stupid?), smile when you face the grocery buggy loaded down for the welfare thief, be nice and be civil when you see young women covered with tattoos or the young man has rings and pins embedded all over his body...don't react when Fat Grandma shows up in public with shorts or hairy-legged Papaw turns up leading the choir in a raucous anthem fit only for a rock concert, should illegals be considered legal (huh?), whether children should report their parents to a social agency, whether you have a right to post God's Law, read the Bible and pray in school or other practices which were ordained from the beginning of our nation as normal and should the Pledge of Allegiance be a part of the school day and whether we are cruel and hateful because we won our wars. This is only a short summary of idiotic issues which we face and can only say: WHAT?!!!
What has happened to America? Ingratitude, plain and simple. Laziness, plain and simple. "In 1941, Alvin York spoke these words in an address at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier: 'There are those who ask me and other veterans of World War I - What did it ever get you?' - Let me answer them now. It got me 23 years of living in America where a humble citizen can stand on the same platform with the President of the United States.
"The thing they forget is that liberty and freedom and democracy are so very precious that you do not fight to win them once and stop. Liberty, freedom, and democracy are prizes awarded to people who fight to win them and then keep fighting eternally to hold them."
America, your will has been tampered with. You have believed the lie that you are worth nothing unless you are a "professional," or have a string of degrees after your name; that there is no God of our Fathers, that He has abandoned the earth and left it to those better than you to run it. Tennesseans, where is your volunteer fighting Spirit of "I Can?" and "I will pay the price for liberty"? You have lost your Will because you have turned away from God the Creator Who alone performs miracles. You have brought a reproach upon you because you have looked at the other nations and tried to "be nice" and "get along" to avoid war. Consider again the philosophy of Alvin York's Army buddies who, when they were accused of breaking international law, showed their disdain for international law - after all, it was unAmerican.
Turn back, America. God is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever. Repent of your sins and toleration of sin in others. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor; thou shalt utterly rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him." Sin is the willful transgression of God's Law. (See the Ten Commandments.) It is not a sin to call people names; it is not a sin to break the speed limit. It is not a sin to spank your children. It is not a sin to not 'buckle up.' It is not a sin to refuse to buy insurance. It is not a sin to resent forced redistribution of wealth. It is not a sin to want to keep what you earn. It is not a sin to resent snoops and busybodies who work for the government.
Happy Birthday again, America? Happy, the Word says, is the people that are saved by the Lord. His Arm is made bare. He loves Patriotism. He will avenge the Patriots.