by Jennifer Martin
August will forever be a month of weddings for me. In addition to coming onto celebrating my own first anniversary, my sister, sister-in-law, and one of my best friends are also getting married. All the anniversaries in one month! I like to think that it was us who started the trend.
I don't know if marriage works the same way as college - if you make it through your first year, chances are high that you'll finish all the way through. But this year has been wonderful, for the most part. Yes, Obama won the presidency, but honestly, I was expecting that. His presidency has been, for the most part, anti-climatic - there sure isn't a lot of "change," but neither is there the onset of the Armageddon like some people insisted would occur.
I'm one semester away from graduating - something I can't even fathom. I have a lot of service hours to make up for at Lee. And then, I guess I'm officially living "in the real world." Whatever that is.
Being married is interesting, especially when you're young. You tend to be one of the only one among your friends who has already been married for a while, so you watch them go through engagements and weddings themselves. You have trouble explaining to school clubs that no, you can't attend meetings at 9PM - you're married, for goodness' sake, and you're going to be spending time with your husband then.
Students used to going to bed in the AM and waking up whenever, having their schedule completely of their own volition, aren't really used to it.
It's been different, it's had its struggles, but it has been worth it. Being able to live with your best friend and have someone to turn to no matter what is an indispensable feeling. Not without its problems - but you face all your problems head-on, together. It's a wonderful, amazing feeling.
I feel like a lot of events in my life are coming to a close - the writing of this article, graduation from college, even living in Cleveland. (Though we know from experience, of course, that I'll be back) But so much is still beginning. I have my life with my husband to continue to look forward to, and perhaps soon (or not!) a new family to look forward to.
There's nowhere else to look but up… so that's where I'll keep looking.