wrong. Pay attention and you'll recognize which ailments you can treat and which ones require professional help. Most bruises heal themselves. But, if you are bruising a lot. you might have a vitamin deficiency. To protect yourself, eat lots of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C. Eat a lot of oranges, strawberries, kiwi, papaya, red peppers, broccoli, and brussel sprouts.
Every time you damage your body, you can break arteries, veins, and tiny capillaries. Blood seeps under your skin from these breaks and form bruises. Vitamin C can strengthen your blood vessels by helping form collagen to help your skin. A bruise that appears from nowhere or a cut that won't stop bleeding could be a sign of a vitamin K deficiency. You'll find this vitamin, which helps blood clots, in spinach, cabbage, avocados, cucumbers, tomatoes, and dairy products.
Don't let simple injuries keep you from enjoying your summer vacation. With some simple solutions, you can stay moderately active while helping yourself heal. Most cuts and scrapes get well without much attention. You can prevent infection by applying alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to kill the germs.
What if the little raindrop should say:
"As small a little drop as I am; I can never refresh the dusty earth, so... I'll tarry in the sky."...... Anonymous
Happy Vacation!