The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

APRIL  2010

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







A Healthy Lifestyle Calls for a Healthy Diet

by B.J. Armstrong

Spring is here. Isn't it nice? Let's spring into it healthy. We will be out and about, getting rid of winter laziness. Getting our bodies moving with outdoor activities. Start everyday in April with breakfast and stay healthy all day.

You can go a long way toward feeling good, maintaining a healthy weight and preventing disease by eating a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, but low in cholesterol and saturated fat.

Start every day with breakfast:
1. Begin with whole grain cereal for fiber.
2. Use milk for protein.
3. Top with fruit for vitamins and antioxidants.

A diet rich in natural whole grains, such as is in Post cereals has been shown to improve heart health. It also helps to protect against certain diseases, like cancer and Type 2 Diabetes. Three Post cereals to me your daily requirement for whole grain, fiber and antioxidants are the following: Raisin Bran. Whole grain wheat and bran flakes, plus raisins provide a heart-healthy combination of vitamins, whole grains and fiber. Grape-Nuts provides 33 grams of whole grains and 7 grams of fiber and makes a tasty, low-fat breakfast. Shredded Wheat, only one with 100% natural whole grains, contains zero fat.

B J Armstrong

What are whole grains, fiber and antioxidants?

Whole grains, and the foods made from them, contain all the essential nutrients of the entire grain seed. They are far healthier than refined grains.

Fiber is the portion of food that is not digestible. Whole grains, vegetables and other food contain natural fiber.

Antioxidants are nutrients found in foods. They fight cell damage caused from free-radicals that cause damage to cells. Antioxidants help prevent problems like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Therefor, breakfast is not only filling, but it keeps you going all day long and boosts long-term health.

Have lunch at mid-day.
1. Add extra nutrition to a sandwich by replacing lettuce with spinach.
2. Increase your daily fiber consumption with whole grain bread.
3. Power-pack your lunch with lean protein for all day staying power.

Maintain your energy with snacks.
1. Eat snacks that are 200 calories or less.
2. Snacks provide energy and round out a nutritious day.
3. Think mini-meals.

End the day with dinner.
1. Begin with a bowl of soup.
2. Colors are beautiful, so choose vegetables and salad greens in a variety of colors. The colors are for essential vitamins and antioxidants.
3. Eat only whole grain brown rice, pasta and breads.

There are several things you can do to greatly improve your health. Set a goal. Decide what you need to improve, and begin.

Talk with your doctor, he's a reliable consultant.

Make day-to-day choices that lead in the direction of your health.

Be optimistic. This type of attitude will get better results.

Keep an up-to-date medical record.

Understand there's a best choice for you, and you are the best person to decide what to do about your health.

Here are a few simple things that do not need much effort to begin with in improving your health.

Take the dog for a walk. Everyday.

Climb some stairs during a break at work.

Eat fish twice a week.

Occasionally eat an avocado.

Listen to music to relax after a very tiresome day.

Eat a bowl of oatmeal with walnuts.

Get needed rest.

Drink water everyday.

Most people don't even come close to correctly estimating the number of calories they eat every day.

The nutrition label on packaged foods is the first place to start for calorie information. It includes the number of calories a food product contains in a single serving. Other terms on packaged food that can alert to lower-calorie products:

Calorie free means the product contains fewer than five calories per serving.
Low-calorie means 40 calories or fewer.
Reduced or '"fewer" means at least 25% fewer calories.
Light or 'lite' indicates the product contains one-third fewer calories or 50% less fat.

The words low-fat or fat-free on packages don't necessarily mean a food is low in calories.

You can also find information about portion size and calorie content at

"Everybody ought to do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice." - William James
