The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

APRIL  2004

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.







Unsettling Times

by Greg Cain

Someday soon, those that think the Bible is a fairy tale will have a rude awakening. Perhaps folks choose to be ignorant of what the Bible reveals because if they knew, they would have to be accountable for their actions. Our Biblical heritage (God's Commandments) has been replaced by government regulations. We now look to Federal programs for our sustenance and protection, deeming who ever is sitting on the throne in the big white house on the hill, our higher power. Faith and trust in Almighty God is a foreign concept to those who have never surrendered to the Lord. Instead of seeking spiritual discernment, most people live by their worldly interpretation of how they think life is supposed to be. Manipulation from all sides of our "civil society", have programmed our thinking and made us part of a "system" that is so far removed from what life is all about, that we have become blinded to the "truth."

The "truth shall set you free" - these are powerful words! It is up to each individual to find "truth" and it is only found in the One who created you and me. Likewise, God's "peace", that passes all understanding, is the only "peace" that is obtainable in this present world. Get ready for some unsettling times.

Life is a spiritual battle! And the battle is escalating! Removal of religion and religious symbols is being done under the guise of Separation of Church and State. The reality is, there is a "war" in the spirit realm for our souls. Satan is working overtime because he knows that time is running out. Often I hear why doesn't God do something about the mess the world is in? God will intervene as He said he would as written in His living word. Remember, we were given freewill. God (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) being a gentleman does not push himself on anyone. He shows up when we invite Him (seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened).

If you want to be shaken to the core, with knowledge of the future, read the book of Revelation (last book of the Bible). God promised that He would not send another flood, the next time the end comes it will be by an all consuming fire (nuclear?). I wonder if those who are rebelling against the Creator of the universe will be singing Burn, Baby, Burn when the earth is going up in flames? Not on your life, they'll be screaming  God Save Me!

Greg Cain