The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland Tennessee (TN) and Bradley County Tennessee (Tn).

Of Bradley County Tn.

APRIL  2004

                            The People News, a free newspaper serving Cleveland and Bradley County Tn.

A Matter Of Faith






Get to know God's character

by Joel Lawler

"There will be two kinds of people in the end: Those that will say to God 'Thy will be done' and those to whom God will say 'Thy will be done.'"  --  C.S. Lewis

God created us to have a free will.  We get to choose how we respond to Him.  He does not force His will upon us.  He leaves it to us to choose whether we are going to pursue Him or not. I have heard countless debates on whether God is real.  I have also heard many arguments as to how to connect with God.  The truth is that you can talk yourself into believing anything if you are determined to hold a position on it.

There were some who took offense to the statement that I made in my last article that said that "The Bible doesn't change people". I stand by those words.  The Bible is just ink on paper if the one who is reading it has closed his mind and heart to it.

Someone who has determined in their heart not to be reached might as well read the phone book as compared to the Bible.

I have seen movies where people hold up the Bible in the face of vampires that suddenly shriek and turn away.  This is simply laughable.

Joel Lawler

The Bible is incredibly powerful when it is read and applied to our lives.  If we take what is read and meditate on it and allow it to speak to us, it will be food to our souls, cut through the bonds of life and be a light in the darkness.

The Bible has also been twisted and taken out of context and used for incredible evil.  It is imperative that we always carefully examine what is being preached or taught.  We are responsible to know enough of the character of God to have a standard of how to judge that which is being passed on as His words. 

I urge any reader of these articles to scrutinize my every word.  Get your Bible out and research what you have read.  Use a very granular filter when you read these words.  I encourage you to do the same with anyone or anything else that claims to be connected with God.  Whether it is your pastor, a book, a movie or television show, be extremely careful that the message is consistent with God's character.

We get to know God's character by reading the Bible for ourselves, by being in community with fellow believers and through prayer.  Drink deep into His scriptures.  Find a solid Bible believing church where you can feed and be fed spiritually.  Learn to talk to God because He wants to hear and speak to you.

There is a choice that is given every person and that is to accept or reject God.  To be passive is to choose to reject Him.

God has given us a free will.  With freedom comes responsibility. We must seek after God for ourselves if we truly wish to find Him.